Innkeeper Story
Pam Hatch first heard about The Samaritan Inn while attending church one Sunday. Rachel Pittman, one of our social workers at the time, spoke at Pam’s church on behalf of the Inn to spread awareness of the homeless population in Collin County and the programs we provide. While listening to her presentation, Pam had a light bulb moment and couldn’t wait to approach her about an idea.
Pam Hatch and her service dog, Faith, founded the BookHounds Reading Therapy Program in August 2013 and has been serving the children at The Samaritan Inn ever since. Prior to 2013, Pam and Faith primarily worked with adults in nursing homes, but had been hoping to broaden the age range and lives they could touch through this therapy. Upon hearing The Samaritan Inn is home to an average of 50-60 children, Pam knew that she and Faith had something special to offer our youngest residents. It was then the BookHounds Reading Therapy Program was born.
Pam and her dedicated team volunteer every Wednesday evening with the kids currently residing at the Inn. Sadly, Faith crossed the Rainbow Bridge a few years ago and is no longer with Pam. However, Ladybug (or Bug) a Welsh Pembroke Corgi/Miniature Short Haired Dachshund mix is more than happy to serve in her place. There are several amazing volunteers and service dogs that volunteer alongside Pam on a weekly basis.
This program allows some of our most vulnerable residents a safe space to grow their reading skills. When you read to Ladybug, Sandy, Angel, Sandie, King, Murphy, Maggie, or Bevo there are no interruptions, corrections, or judgment. They are happy to just listen, love, and be loved.
Pam we are so very thankful that you listened to your instincts and followed your desire to serve the children at The Samaritan Inn. Your team is doing important work here.